
2014 articles

Your Computer Wants to be Open

It does, it told us, trust me. Computer and specifically the internet have got to be the greatest disseminator of information there has ever been. Computers have excelled at allowing people to share knowledge, and information with the simple act of copying files, and sharing data.

Apple’s China App Store: 18pc downloads, 3pc revenue

We all know China is a huge market. However, numbers don’t necessarily bring in numbers as Apple must be realising from figures available. In this report posted on TheNextWeb, despite nearly 20 percent of downloads on the App Store, Apple China just contributes to 3 percent of revenue!

Windows 8 Metro Apps: The 8 Must-Know Tricks!

Samidip Basu is based out of Columbus, Ohio and is a technologist. He has a strong development background on the Microsoft technology stack, and spends his time in talking about the Windows Phone/Windows 8 platforms & cloud-supported mobile solutions in general.

Evolving with Responsive Design

You must have heard the term “responsive design” thrown about these days in the realm of web development and design. But what does it mean, and why is it important? We hope we can answer those questions and more.