Microsoft Limits SkyDrive, Kills Potential Innovative Uses
Microsoft is intent on preventing limitations on the SkyDrive API kill innovative uses of the service that third parties could come up with.
2014 articles
Microsoft is intent on preventing limitations on the SkyDrive API kill innovative uses of the service that third parties could come up with.
Seems like the confusion surrounding HTML5 wasn’t enough, the major bodies associated with its development the W3C and the WHATWG have now parted ways. What happens next?
The Enyo framework is optimized and built with mobile in mind. It can be easily combined with something like PhoneGap to create a powerful mobile app that can be distributed via app stores.
In a recent move, Google has pushed for a broadening of essential standards to encompass ubiquitous features such as multitouch, much to the dismay of Apple. The iPhone maker, on its part, insists its R&D is its own “magical” thinking and not for general use.
Git is a distributed version control system, and allows teams to work on the same code file, simultaneously.
Modern web browsers are CSS3-enabled. With support for gradients and shapes, you can drastically reduce the load time on your web pages by converting layers to CSS gradients.
PhoneGap the popular open source framework for building cross-platform applications has released its second major version.
The Pointer Lock API that makes it much FPS / TPS games on the web possible is not available in Firefox and Chrome.
After years of rumours and leaked clients, there is finally a confirmation from Valve that they are indeed looking towards Linux as their next platform.
It seems Microsoft is making it difficult for third parties to create browsers for Windows 8 tablets. A blog post on Mozilla’s website claims that Firefox will not be able to bring a proper version of Firefox to Windows 8 tablets due to restrictions by Microsoft. Since then Google has also chimed in with the …
Third Party Browsers Blocked on Windows 8 for ARM? Read More »