The editor itself is unique to Amy Editor, it does not seem to be based on any of the popular code editing frameworks such as Origin, CodeMirror or Ace. Even so it supports advanced features such as code folding, automatic closing of brackets, automatic insertion of line-end characters (such as ;
), code completion, and automatic indentation. The mechanism for automatically closing brackets and quotes is smart enough to work even when text is selected, so if you can select some text, and type the "
character, the editor will automatically enclose the selected text between "
rather than replacing it.
[do action=”inside-quote”]Amy Editor supports Ruby, Python, JavaScript, PHP, HTML, Texy, Java, and C[/do]
While other online IDEs tout their multi-language support, and large collection of snippets, Amy Editor seems to be unique in that it allows you to add support for new languages, snippets, and even actions. These can be bundled together as a package for a particular language. Out of the box however, Amy Editor supports Ruby, Python, JavaScript, PHP, HTML, Texy, Java, and C. It also has support for the Ruby on Rail framework.
The snippet system is actually quite well developed, with support for variables, placeholders, custom tabstops, transformation or even outright code that runs and returns a snippet. This makes the support for snippets in Amy Editor better than even many native code editors.