Blender is possibly one of the most powerful, and full featured open source 3D modelling and rendering tools available.
Blender also happens to have include a game engine that allows you to not only design and render 3D models, and scenes, but to actually craft interactive 3D experiences with the software.
As part of this year’s Google Summer of Code, Alexandr Kuznetsov worked towards porting this game engine to OpenGL ES, and to make it work on Android. OpenGL ES is a subset of the OpenGL standard intended for mobile devices, and even WebGL is essentially a derivation of OpenGL ES.
The project was quite successful, as yo can see from the following screenshot which shows Blender running on a mobile Android-based device.
While there are not a whole many games made using the Blender Game Engine, the fact that it is now mobile-capable as well is surely something to count among its advantages. The Blender Game Engine also happens to include the powerful open source bullet physics engine, which is also used by a number of AAA games and movies.
You can find our more about Blender from their website You can read more about the Blender Game Engine here in the Blender Manual.