Are you also doing something in typography?
We had Typekit, which we acquired a year ago. But now we’ve partnered with Google (with Google Web Fonts) and we’re providing a totally free service called Adobe Edge Web Fonts. The fonts are managed and curated by Adobe and are served through our Adobe Typekit servers. We have Typekit servers around the globe serving thousands of fonts everyday. So as a part of the free service, Google Web fonts, Typekit free fonts, and a whole bunch of free fonts such as Sans Source Pro was designed specifically for the web. Another one is Source Code Pro which is specifically designed for developers who are writing code. We’ve taken special care to manage characters that can be mistaken. For example, zero and an upper case o. Similarly lower case L, the upper case i and the numeral 1. All of the Edge tools we’ve released, for example, Edge Code, Edge Animate all use the font that we’ve created for developers.
What are the additional tools that are included in the Edge suite?
The other tools that excite me include Edge Code, which is still very early. It’s a tool for customers to use, play with and give us feedback. It’s built using the open source project Brackets. It’s specifically built for the web, for building HTML, CSS and JavaScript. It’s specifically a web coder. It’s very lightweight. In fact it’s built using HTML, CSS and JavaScript itself. So we actually used code to build code! If that makes sense (smiles).
It’s also an open source project for community members to contribute to. There are many developers out there already who are actually giving us code. So we’ve got it up on github. People are downloading the source, making extensions for it, making additions to it and sending those back in. Anyone else can then download those extensions and add them to their copy of code. So it’s a really nice open source project. We’re really doing open source right with Code (or at least Brackets). Code is just our sort of implemented version of Brackets.
There’s already a huge amount of developer interest. Even though the tool is not really a fully fledged developer coder tool yet, it’s still being built.