2013 seems to be a very promising year for mobile and web developers. Among the many reasons, advance in tooling tops the list. This should not be seen as just simply a turn of the crank adding up some new features/functions to the existing state of the art, instead its the recognition of a growing paradigm shift in how developers create software.
Currently, majority of web and mobile apps written by developers are done manually, by writing source code in text editors or IDEs. But tomorrow’s tooling is becoming more prominent. Following are the three tooling areas that look exciting and are worth looking forward in 2013:
1. Wireframing/Visual Requirements. The recent wire framing tools go far beyond the days of using presentation software in an attempt to create representations of app screens. With the help of these next generation tools, you can create screens that look realistic to the point one could easily mistake it with a screen shot from a running app.
2. Visual Development Tools. The development tools are now not just limited to the developers, but their reach extend beyond them. The prototyping tools help business analysts work in sync with designers. The new visual development tools allow these same individuals surpass simple prototyping activities and go on to create the base framework for an app, including some connection to back-end services.
3. Visual Test Tools. It seems that test is always excluded when it comes to engaging tooling, but that does not mean that test out should be kept out of this new excitement! The formation of test automation has for a long time been a thankless process and rightfully so. Majority of the tools that were used to do this were extremely monotonous to use and seldom furnished any response while creating the individual test cases. Instead you will get to know that whenever test failed, it was the test case itself that was coded incorrectly.
So, as it can be seen, 2013 will be the visual tooling. The only thing to be seen is that how far this tooling will reach into our existing software development lifecycle processes?
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