video/video streaming gaining importance, would these features be enabled in XMS in the future?
The history of our company speaks a lot about innovation, and we are continuously looking at offering the maximum to our customers. If we feel that there is a need and demand of offering such technology to our users, we will definitely move up the ladder.
What kind of infrastructure does eBuddy (XMS?) use? Is it based on AWS/EC2 or do you use your own infrastructure? Also are servers based in the US or are they globally distributed?
We host our servers in our own datacenter. As eBuddy started out in 2003 there were no public cloud providers back then. Currently our volumes are so big that it’s more cost effective to have our own datacenter as opposed to using Amazon. We currently have a single datacenter in the US (California).
Tell us a bit about the architecture?
The XMS Platform is a Service Oriented Architecture built on top of a Debian 6/(Oracle) Java 6/Tomcat 6 & 7 stack. We have separate services for Authentication and Authorization, Messaging, Media (storing and transcoding), User Data storage and User Discovery. For data storage we use Apache Cassandra and MySQL. As our internal Message Bus we use JBoss HornetQ. On the Java side we make heavy use of the Spring Framework, AspectJ, Jackson JSON processor, Netty.io, Ehcache and Apache Commons.