This technology with OBDII port could unleash the self-driving revolution for older vehicles

The OBDII port can do more than just read data. Developed back in the days before anyone envisioned how the Internet would be transformed by wireless modems, it also allows write-access to devices on the network—something that seems much more problematic in the era of the vehicle hack.

The ability to write data to controllers on a car can actually be quite useful—like the idea of reflashing an engine ECU to get better performance, for instance. Over on the enthusiast side of the market, an entire ecosystem of companies exists ready to give you the tools to take your WRX, GT-R, or whatever to the next level.

A company called Derive Systems has been playing in this space for some time now, both on the enthusiast side of things and also with fleets. After all, if you’re Comcast and have thousands of trucks that spend their lives visiting install sites, remapping your engines, towing performance—can save between 8 and 12 percent on fuel cost

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