It is interesting to see how quickly communities form around open source projects, and the latest is webOS. As promised by HP a while back, webOS is being open sourced.
One of the first parts of webOS to be open sourced was the Enyo JavaScript framework that can be used to build GUI applications. Now large parts of webOS 3.0.5 — the latest version of webOS, running on the TouchPad — have been open sourced. In the current state it only runs on TouchPad, however there are open source projects under way to have it run on any device open enough to support it.
And while has just been a week since the OS was open sourced, the developer community is already busy hacking away and have already managed to add features and fix bugs.
While most new mobile operating systems shy away from multitasking, and include only a watered down version of it, webOS was quite refreshing in how it made multitasking simple, yet powerful and useful in the OS. One of the new features contributed to the community has to do with making multitasking even more powerful with tabbed card stacks:
More information about the new open source “Community Edition” of webOS can be found on the webOS blog.