Debian 9.0 “Stretch” Might Not Have UEFI Secure Boot Support

Debian developer Jonathan Wiltshire shared that while Secure Boot support was planned for Debian 9.0, it might not happen now due to short on time and resources. Secure Boot might still work its way though into a later Debian 9.x update.

Jonathan said,”We decided that support for Secure Boot in the forthcoming Debian 9 “stretch” would no longer be a blocker to release. The likely, although not certain outcome is that stretch will not have Secure Boot support. We appreciate that this will be a disappointment to many users and developers. However, we need to balance that with the limited time available for the volunteer teams working on this feature, and the risk of bugs being introduced through rushed development.”

Hopefully most Linux users have already disabled UEFI Secure Boot functionality on their systems so they won’t have to worry about it still missing, years after most other distributions joined the SecureBoot bandwagon.


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