One challenge that is common across the board — from industrial IoT to enterprise and consumer IoT — is the lack of any standard based platform or framework. IoT companies are doing their own things, duplicating efforts, writing their own code, their own protocols, creating fragmentations and interoperability challenges as they do all of the above.
The Linux Foundation wants to fix that. More than 50 companies have come together to form a new collaborative project under the umbrella of the Linux Foundation called, EdgeX Foundry.
Just like any other Linux Foundation collaborative project, the goal of the foundry is to simplify and standardize the industrial IoT edge computing by bringing stakeholders together and at the same time allowing each vendor to create their own differentiating products on top of the common base.
Philip DesAutels, Senior Director of IoT for the Linux Foundation, told in an interview that the core software component of the EdgeX Foundry is Dell’s Project Fuse that the company open sourced and donated to the Linux Foundation.