Devuan 1.0 Officially Released

Based on the packages and software repositories of the Debian GNU/Linux 8 “Jessie” operating system, Devuan 1.0.0 “Jessie” is now considered the first stable version of the GNU/Linux distribution, which stays true to its vision of developing a free Debian OS without systemd. This release is recommended for production use.

“The latest 1.0.0 Jessie release (LTS) marks an important milestone towards the sustainability and the continuation of Devuan as a universal base distribution. Since the Exodus declaration in 2014, infrastructure has been put in place to support Devuan’s mission to offer users control over their system,” said the devs.

As Devuan 1.0.0 doesn’t ship with systemd, several adjustments needed to be made.

It comes with numerous of the latest technologies and applications, and provides support for various popular ARM boards, among which we can mention Raspberry Pi 3, Raspberry Pi 2, Acer Chromebook, Orange Pi 2, Cubietruck, Cubieboard 2, Banana Pi, CHIP, Odroid XU, Lamobo R1, and many others.


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