According to Insight’s 2017 Intelligent Technology Index report, “As IT leaders make decisions and arrangements to straddle the needs of today and tomorrow, cloud services are becoming increasingly popular.”
The survey finds that Software as a Service (57 percent) and Security as a Service (51 percent) continue to be the leading cloud computing models that companies are adopting. Infrastructure as a Service and Disaster Recovery as a Service lag behind, with a 39 and 34 percent adoption rate, respectively.
While only 15 percent have fully migrated their corporate application workloads to public clouds, 47 percent are more than halfway implemented in the cloud, with large and medium companies leading the way.
Technology influencers identify security (55 percent) and the cloud (44 percent) as the top two areas in which their IT budgets need to grow. Companies that say they are increasing their 2017 IT budgets as well as companies that are more than halfway implemented in the cloud are significantly more likely to feel that security and the cloud need additional investment.