Making the DevOps DNS Connection

It results in faster development cycles, fewer errors, and not as many pricy code fixes post-deployment. In contrast to the previous Waterfall model, DevOps aims for continuous development and deployment. To achieve this, organizations need the ability to automatically create or remove networks and to automate deployment to production.

DevOps wants to be both fast and accurate. Automation is a necessity here because the fewer the number of manual steps involved, the less likely that human error will disrupt the process. Intelligent DNS improves DevOps project lifecycles by integrating with your software development and automation tools.

One of the benefits of cloud computing is that it enabled DevOps teams to automatically create and remove servers as needed for development and testing. Infrastructure as Code (IaC) enables cloud computing to automatically build infrastructure using robust APIs that build servers and add applications as needed.

Organizations today need an intelligent DNS solution to avoid such bottlenecks. Because servers and applications can be created or removed in near-real time, the solution must provide high performance standards with low-propagation turn-around times, a robust API for integration and automation with IaC, and service discovery.

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