There are three reasons the elasticity reality doesn’t live up to the performance fairy tale:
First, performance issues are typically with the design, development, and deployment of the application itself. Poorly performing applications do not benefit from faster virtual processors or more numerous virtual processors to the extent that some people might assume.
Second, you’ll spend more money for less return. Although you can get marginal performance benefits for unoptimized software from cloud platforms’ virtual hardware and services, the fact is you’ll end up spending more on cloud services for a minimal return on performance gains.
Third, you’ll likely forget about security and governance, which are performance killers if not done correctly. For example, if you encrypt everything per government regulations, you could reduce performance by as much as 25 percent.
The answer is not to simply turn the performance problem over to your cloud provider. Instead, you have to do the design, development, and testing work to get the best performance.