Most app developers would have gone through Apple’s app review process and patiently waited (sometime very patiently) to get a green light for their apps. But they might not see an explosive growth as soon as their new app goes live. Next day, they look at their iTunes connect report just to find out that there are no magical revenues coming up. With a heavy heart they scroll through the App Store rankings and learn that the apps not even there. Lastly they run a search in the App Store to make sure their app is indeed listed and with a great relief they see that it’s still there.
After that, the developers wait for a week, two weeks and a couple of more to discover that their app is not just taking off. So the question arises is why can’t all developers find their way and be successful? Why is success limited only to a few? Developers may want to blame the Apple’s App Store for not having the right discovery mechanisms built for the app. But the reality is, this is not just Apple’s fault.
Most developers underestimate how hard it is to be successful in Apple’s App Store. And even if Apple is improving things, it’s not going to be enough. But why is this problem so hard to solve? The answer is not straightforward.
Ouriel Ohayon, cofounder of Appsfire, in this article discusses why this problem is so hard to solve. In doing so he touches various angles like the developer side, Apple App Store side, consumer side and the ad networks’ side.
In the end he brings down the curtain by concluding that the lack of success of an app does not relies just to one single factor. It involves a long list of parameters very few developers really understand or can control.
To go through the complete article and to know more about the various angles click here.