While HP doesn’t seem to know what to do with webOS, which it purchased from Palm and subsequently killed, members of a group called Phoenix International Communications seems to have a plan. When webOS was fresh in HPs hands, it had all kinds of plans for the OS ranging from smart-phones and tablets, to desktops, laptops and even printers. However webOS never really got the chance it deserved.Not that webOS is open source though, there might still be some hope for it. There are already efforts underway to port webOS to current devices.The Phoenix International Communications group is currently working on an Android application that will give people access to the webOS experience. They intend to make the app free in order to generate interest in the OS.
They also plan to launch a KickStarter campaign to raise at least $180,000 for their effort to create a proper mobile running the OS natively. Initially they will work with smaller Chinese manufacturers and release phones that are on the lower and middle range, and then go forward from there depending on how those sales take off.
Even if it is unlikely that webOS will become a major player in the global smartphone market at this stage, the availability of funding venues such as KickStarter makes it possible for the development of such products even if they will only be embraced by a nice audience.
Additionally, since webOS applications are based on web standards, it is easy for web developers to start developing for the OS. While tools like Apache Cordova allow one to bring web applications to nearly any mobile platform, when it comes to webOS, the web is the native platform.
For those charmed by webOS and disappointed by the lack of devices running it, this is good news indeed.