It seems Adobe aims to increase the speed at which they are delivering new Flash Player features. They have just released a beta of Flash Player 11.5 and announced that with this release they will be moving to a rapid release cycle for Flash Player.
Flash Player already has a comparatively rapid release cycle compared to past releases. Considering the fact that there was a gap of nearly two years between Flash Player 9, and 10, and 10 and 10.1, and in the two years since that have been seven releases (10.2, 10.3, 11, 11.1, 11.2, 11.3, and 11.4).
With support for automatic background updates now available for both Windows and Mac OSX, and with Linux conveniently abandoned, Adobe now has the infrastructure in place to deliver updates faster and it seems it they are taking advantage of that.
A release for Flash Player 11.5 is available at Adobe Labs already, and it brings support for sharing memory between workers. Workers were a new feature introduced in Flash Player 11.4 that allowed developers to build applications that have some concurrency.
A beta version of Flash Builder 4.7 was already released to Adobe Labs earlier with some support for this feature.
The latest Flash Player also enables developers to view stack traces in debug and release players.
Also released in AIR 3.5, which includes the features of the latest Flash Player release, and also support for packing multiple binaries (third party libraries / frameworks) with ANE (AIR Native Extensions). It also adds support for loading multiple SWF files containing ActionScript bytecode on iOS which should allow for more modular applications.
There is also beta running for a new ActionScript Compiler that is much faster and produces better optimized Flash files. This was previously known as Falcon.