The platform unifies all DevOps tools and processes into software “assembly lines” that provide complete visibility, traceability and audit trails across the end-to-end software delivery workflow.
Enterprises are particularly vulnerable to these challenges. First, they are often limited to tools that work behind the firewall due to enhanced security and compliance requirements. Second, they have larger teams and thus communication lapses are common. Third, they usually have a large number of applications with disparate requirements that lead to a lot of fragmented, “spaghetti” workflows.
Key features
Security and control: Teams have complete control over their infrastructure and machine configurations. Everything runs behind their firewall, so they are confident knowing that all their security and compliance requirements are met.
Automation: Tasks like provisioning, building, testing and managing releases with manual or automatic approval gates can be automated, minimizing the need for human interaction.
Visualization: The flow of shipping software from code to production can be visualized in an unified interactive dashboard across one or many applications in the organization. This view is updated in real-time and errors or bottlenecks in the workflow can be quickly identified and rectified. The view also includes analytics and audit trails.