Spotify Web Player No Longer Compatible With Apple’s Safari Browser

In a post published about the topic yesterday by user riegelstamm, it was pointed out that Spotify’s system requirements page listed Safari 6 or higher as a supported browser for the Web Player. As of today, that same page has been updated and any mention of Safari has been removed, now only including Chrome 45+, Firefox 47+, Edge 14+, and Opera 32+.

Riegelstamm further dug into the details of the Web Player, discovering that the discontinuing of Safari support might have something to do with Google’s Widevine media optimizer plugin, which Spotify requires for music streaming on the web and Apple opposes due to potential security issues.

Instead, Spotify encourages users to download the compatible Mac app, or switch over to a supported browser. Although the lack of Safari support in the Web Player might be temporary, Spotify customer support told users that it “can’t say if or when any specific features will be back.”



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