It’s unclear why Cortana’s arrival in Skype took as long as it did, but the big Skype makeovercould have contributed to the delay.
However, the idea to bring an A.I.-like helper to mobile messaging isn’t unique to Microsoft. Google’s Allo app is aided by Google Assistant, while Facebook Messenger has its own assistant, “M,” for example.
Similarly, Cortana will pop into conversations to offer suggestions based on the context of your chats. This includes “smart replies,” which are quick responses like “Yes!,” “Sure!”, and others, which you can select with a tap to save you from typing.
Cortana is being added to your Skype as a contact you can message directly, if you choose. In this case, you can chat with Cortana to ask it things like fact-based questions, the current weather, your flight status, stock quotes, restaurant ideas, directions, and more – very much like Google Assistant can already do.