Glitch for Platforms allows Developer Relations teams to leverage the power of Glitch and provide sample apps to kickstart developers building on top of their APIs. There is a range of free and paid-for tools, which they can use to create unlimited sample projects, allow people to import GitHub repos, and embed a ‘Remix on Glitch’ button in their documentation.
Users can even create apps with automatically populated customer API keys so that developers can instantly begin working with a real app that uses their own data, cutting the all important Time to Hello World (TtHW) metric from minutes or hours to seconds.
“There’s a huge bug in the way we do developer relations,” says Anil Dash, CEO of Fog Creek Software. “If we compare it to the hyper-optimized customer funnels used on e-commerce sites, the current tools we use for acquiring and working with platform developers are downright absurd.”