Project DataWorks is designed to make it simple for business leaders and data professionals to collect, organize, govern and secure data, so they can gain the insights needed to become a cognitive business.
Obtaining insights from data can be increasingly complex, and most of this work is done by highly skilled data professionals who work in silos with disconnected tools and data services that may be difficult to manage, integrate, and govern.
Also, because data is never static, businesses must continually iterate their data models and products—often manually—to benefit from the most relevant, up-to-date insights.
Bob Picciano, senior vice president, IBM Analytics said “We know that users spend up to 80 percent of their time on data preparation, no matter the task, even when they are applying the most sophisticated AI. Project DataWorks can help businesses break down these barriers by connecting all data and insights for their users.
It is designed to help organizations:
1) Automate the deployment of data assets and products using cognitive-assisted machine learning and Apache Spark;
2) Ingest data faster than any other data platform, from 50 to hundreds of Gbps, and all endpoints: enterprise databases, Internet of Things, weather, and social media;
3) Leverage an open ecosystem of more than 20 partners and technologies, such as Continuum Analytics, Galvanize, Alation, NumFOCUS, and RStudio.
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