Power BI, Microsoft’s Business Intelligence set of tools, is getting smarter

Power BI, since then, is increasingly being used by enterprises. It allows users to work on interactive visualizations, create reports and dashboards (with just a few drags and drops), and easily handle fairly large Excel files. The benefits of Power BI don’t end here. It can deal with a number of data types like Excel, Access, CSV, and data from Salesforce, Google Analytics, GitHub, MailChimp and others.

Power BI is a set of data visualization tools that empowers users to transform collected data into actionable information for decision makers.

It’s a set of tools and a cloud service that allows data to be analyzed and visualizations to be presented on dashboards and report sharing that are in the cloud. It comes with a free and paid version too. Power BI also has free mobile apps that a user can only use in case of a Power BI cloud account or access to the SQL server of your organization.



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