Analytics might seem like an obvious element to incorporate into app development, but still there are developers who don’t use analytics at all . Often small development shops and indie developers cite lack of time and manpower for the failure to include analytics.
Here are a few basics statistics that you should track:
1)User Retention
It’s easy to get distracted by downloads, but user retention is just as important if not more so. If you have a low retention rate, then any money you’re spending on user acquisition is essentially wasted. With analytics, you can see at what point in your app users are dropping off and closing out.
The bigger issue is keeping your users active and engaged. Depending on the kind of app you have, you may want long or short sessions. By using analytics you can figure out what’s best for your user experience, and then track and see how your app is performing.
3) In-App purchases
Most mobile developers today make a great deal of their money off of in-app purchases (IAPs) for goods, power ups, or in the case of games, in-game currency. You should track not only the number of IAPs per player and the dollar amount of revenue per player, but also the time until purchase. Once you’ve got the fundamentals like, When do the first, second, and subsequent purchases usually occur? After a user makes one purchase, do they continue purchasing?, you can start to get more creative with what you use analytics for.
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